
Henan Zhengyuan Chemical Co. LTD
Current position : 河南正遠(yuǎn)化工有限公司 > en > Product center > Bactericidal algaecide > 正文

1227 benzalammonium chloride


Product name:

Technical conformity:

Product form:
    25 kg in barrels

Product performance and application:
    1227 is a kind of cationic surfactant, belongs to the non-oxidizing bactericide, has a broad spectrum, effective bactericidal and algicidal ability, can effectively control the growth of bacteria and algae in water and mud growth, and has good mud stripping effect and a certain dispersion and penetration effect, at the same time has a certain oil removal, deodorization ability and corrosion inhibition.
Previous article:isothiazolinone
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