
Henan Zhengyuan Chemical Co. LTD
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Can polyaluminum chloride be mixed with other water purification agents

Can polyaluminum chloride be used with other water purification agents? Will there be bad effects? How to correctly use polyaluminum chloride and other water purification agents to achieve results?

Polyaluminum chloride and some other water purification agents are widely used in many water treatment processes such as water treatment. However, the main active component of polyaluminum chloride is alumina, so PAC is generally slightly acidic when dissolved in water, and the effect is good in water treatment with a pH value of 6 ~ 9. Polyaluminum chloride is a kind of water treatment material which can adsorb, condense, bridge and so on.

When polyaluminum chloride and other water purification agents are used in water treatment plants, acidic polyaluminum chloride and some alkaline other water purification agents are mixed, polyaluminum chloride and other water purification agents will produce other gases or precipitation, not only affecting the purpose of water purification, but also affecting the subsequent treatment work. Therefore, polyaluminum chloride and some alkaline other water purification agents cannot be added at the same time.

In order to give full play to the effects and advantages of polyaluminum chloride and other water purification agents, it is necessary to have the corresponding use methods to prove. In water treatment, it is usually necessary to add polyaluminum chloride. After the complete reaction of the polyaluminum chloride water quality, precipitation is generated and filtered by the filtration equipment, and other water purification agents are added into the clarified liquid treated by polyaluminum chloride. It is also a way to demonstrate that PVCL and other water purification agents play their respective roles. In most water treatment plants and other water treatment can be used.
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