
Henan Zhengyuan Chemical Co. LTD
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The prospect of polyaluminium chloride in environmental protection industry

With the emphasis on environmental protection in recent years, more and more people are involved in the cause of environmental protection. Many heavy industry manufacturers have also done some understanding of this! After all, there are still a few people who do not understand the products supplied by the company. Here is the company for new and old customers to say some basic knowledge about polyaluminum chloride and the future trend!

Polyaluminum chloride is a kind of inorganic polymer coagulant, also referred to as polyaluminum, English abbreviation PA C due to the bridging effect of hydroxide ion and polyvalent anion polymerization and production of inorganic polymer water treatment agents with larger molecular weight and higher charge. The form can be divided into solid and liquid two, and solid according to the different color is divided into brown, yellow and white, different colors of polyaluminum chloride in the application and production technology also have great differences.

The polyaluminum chloride produced by our company is characterized by obvious water purification effect, fast flocculation and precipitation speed, and wide PH range. Low corrosion to pipeline equipment, can effectively remove the color of SS,COD,BOD and arsenic, lead, mercury and other heavy metal ions in water, water production cost is low, large effectiveness, small consumption, simple operation, save manpower and material resources, the product is widely used in drinking water, industrial water and sewage treatment field!

With the rapid development of water treatment industry and paper industry, the process of rural development, the improvement of environmental protection requirements, the development of new fields of aluminum salt products from time to time and the replacement of aluminum sulfate by polyaluminum chloride increasing, polyaluminum chloride market development space is very large, and the demand will increase day by day, the next ten years polyaluminum chloride is still the leading product of water treatment purifier. And along with the implementation of the new sanitary standards for drinking water, coagulant with aluminum hydroxide as the main raw material is called the leading product of drinking water. At present, polyaluminum chloride produced with aluminum minerals as the raw material will gradually withdraw from the drinking water market and become the leading product of industrial water supply and sewage (waste) water treatment. In addition, the relative excess capacity of alumina brought about by the rapid development of China's aluminum industry in recent years has made aluminum hydroxide a very sufficient raw material, which has also strongly guaranteed the development of polyaluminum chloride industry.
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