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Polyaluminum chloride by color to understand the quality and use

Polyaluminum chloride is a kind of inorganic flocculant. Production of polyaluminum chloride according to the standard divided into industrial sewage treatment and drinking water. Polyaluminum chloride is marketed in a variety of colors. How to judge product quality and use simply, quickly and effectively? From the color of solid aluminum chloride, it is a simple and effective method. Polyaluminum chloride comes in four colors: yellowish brown, yellow, light yellow and white. Let me explain the qualities and uses of different colors of polyaluminum chloride.

White polyaluminum chloride is one of many polyaluminum chloride which need high quality raw materials, and has strict production process and production environment. The white polyaluminium chloride produced is usually used in industries where product color is strictly required, such as the paper industry. Because the color of the pulp determines the whiteness of the paper, the aqueous solution of white polyaluminum chloride is transparent because it is white. The production cost and production process requirements of polyaluminum chloride are more than twice the natural price of other colors of polyaluminum chloride.

Followed by light yellow powder, polyaluminum chloride is mainly used for drinking water treatment, drinking polyaluminum chloride drinking water standard is GB 15892-2009. With the improvement of people's living standard, people pay more and more attention to the quality and safety of drinking water. Drinking water treatment is very strict on heavy metals. Therefore, when we produce potable grade polyaluminum chloride, the raw materials and production process are good.

Yellow powder is usually 28%, which is industrial grade polyaluminum chloride. Polyaluminium chloride of this content and color is mainly used in sewage treatment, using the production method of frame filtration or spray drying process. With the development of industry, there are more and more kinds of industrial wastewater, and it is more and more difficult to treat wastewater. In the industrial wastewater treatment process, 28% industrial grade polyaluminum chloride is used.
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