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What is the active ingredient of polyaluminum chloride?

Most people in the purchase of polyaluminum chloride, will directly say how much content, the content here refers to the content of alumina (Al2O3) in polyaluminum chloride, which is the active ingredient of polyaluminum chloride products. Simply put, the active component of polyaluminum chloride is the content of alumina (Al2O3) in polyaluminum chloride.

The content of alumina (Al2O3) of polyaluminum chloride is 22%~30%, and the effect of different content is not the same.

The content of alumina is a measure index of the effective composition of polyaluminum chloride, which has a certain relationship with the specific gravity of the solution. Generally speaking, the higher the proportion, the higher the alumina content. However, the relationship between the two varies with temperature, impurities, manufacturing methods, basicity and other factors. Polyaluminum chloride contains impurities that affect specific gravity and alumina content. The basicity has a more direct effect on the relationship between specific gravity and alumina. The lower the basicity of the same alumina content, the greater the specific gravity. Therefore, specific gravity cannot be used to quantify the active ingredient of a product.

In water treatment, polyaluminum chloride not only has good flocculation performance, flocs large size, rapid formation, good mechanical strength, high settling speed. Applied to high turbidity water, low temperature and low turbidity water, colored water and polluted water, can achieve good flocculation effect, and to the raw water pH value, temperature, turbidity, alkalinity, organic matter and other changes, have strong adaptability. When the turbidity of raw water increases, the increase of the dosage is small.

Practice has proved that in a certain range, the higher the turbidity of raw water, the greater the range of turbidity change, the more obvious its advantage, so that alumina (Al2O3) content is closely related to the effective components of polyaluminum chloride.
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