
Henan Zhengyuan Chemical Co. LTD
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Attention should be paid to the use of polyaluminum chloride in hot climate in summer

Due to the rise in temperature in summer, it will accelerate the black and smelly pace of wastewater and industrial wastewater, which is also the reason for the large sales of polyaluminum chloride in summer. In order to avoid some unnecessary trouble, there are many things to pay attention to when using polyaluminum chloride in hot climate in summer:

In the process of operation need to wear work clothes, due to high temperature problems, once the poly aluminum chloride products stick to the body, it will quickly dissolve, the body sticky not only uncomfortable but also not easy to wash.
Avoid wearing slippers, because the staff in the work often climb up and down, once wearing slippers, the poly aluminum chloride products stick to the feet after dissolution is very slippery, especially easy to slip, resulting in safety accidents.

Add utensils to keep them boring. After use, the bag must be tied tightly to avoid moisture and caking of the poly aluminum chloride product.

Polyaluminum chloride contains hydrochloric acid, which is corrosive. If the polyaluminum chloride product sticks to clothes or skin, it must be cleaned in time. Polyaluminum chloride products in the sun exposure will appear melt, affect the application. In high temperature and hot climate in summer, polyaluminum chloride products should be stored indoors in a dry, ventilated, cool place, do not get damp.
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