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The polyaluminum chloride can solve the problem of excessive organic matter in pond aquaculture water

Polyaluminum chloride has a wide range of uses, in the treatment of sewage it can play a purifying water treatment, but also bactericidal, deodorizing effect, especially used in aquaculture industry, this year to polyaluminum chloride in this respect is also a lot, because it can effectively remove organic matter in the water.

When there is too much organic matter in the water body, the general treatment idea is to first precipitate a large number of organic matter in the water body through physical and chemical methods, then add oxidizing substrate modification agent, or apply EM bacteria and photosynthetic bacteria, and then implant new algae species to accelerate the energy flow and material circulation of the pond. With the continuous increase or improvement of breeding mode and breeding varieties, "fat", "live", "tender", "cool" also has a new connotation, can not be generalized, should depend on the specific situation.

Biological indicators of suitable water quality for fish culture are:
1. Plankton biomass is 20-100mg/L;
2. There were more dinoflagellates such as cryptoalgae, but fewer cyanobacteria.
3. The algae population is in the growth period, and the cells are not aging.
4. There is not much suspended matter other than plankton.

According to the problems which closely related to water often appear in pond breeding in our country, we summarized the analysis, combined with the actual situation, put forward some effective solutions.

When there is too much organic matter in the water body, the general treatment idea is to first precipitate a large amount of organic matter in the water body through physical and chemical methods, then add oxidizing substrate modification agent, or apply EM bacteria and photosynthetic bacteria, and then implant new algae species to accelerate the energy flow and material circulation of the pond. In addition, the content of organic matter in water body can be effectively reduced by drainage of bottom water, dredging of dry pond, rational application of base fertilizer and feeding of food. When there is too much organic matter in the water body, the method of settling organic matter in the water body is particularly critical. The following solutions can be usually adopted:

After the polyaluminum chloride was dissolved in water, the final concentration of 3g/m3 was used to splash the whole pool. Polyaluminum chloride is an intermediate hydrolytic product between aluminum trichloride and aluminum hydroxide. This inorganic polymer compound can precipitate organic matter in water and regulate water quality. Alumina content in solid products is 20% to 40%, liquid content is more than 8%, colorless or yellowish brown, corrosive.
The basic principle of its degradation is similar to that of alum, but the use of polyaluminium chloride has the following advantages:

① Flocs form quickly, precipitation rate is high, reaction precipitation time can be shortened.
② The hardness of water consumed by basic aluminum chloride is less than that of inorganic coagulants at the same dosage, and the PH value of water treated is less.
(3) In the treatment of water, especially in the treatment of high concentration of water, can not add or add less alkaline additives and coagulants.
The decolorization ability is better than other inorganic water purifiers.

In high temperature and high breeding density ponds, the water purification effect of polyaluminum chloride is obvious. Before using germicidal and insecticidal disinfectants, splashing polyaluminum chloride can better ensure the disinfection and insecticidal effect.
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