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What are the problems that need to be paid attention to in the use of polyaluminum chloride

What are the problems that need to be paid attention to in the process of using polyaluminum chloride? This is what we want to tell you about the relevant issues, please see the following details:

First, according to the different conditions of raw water, before use can be done to obtain a good dose of polyaluminum chloride is an inorganic polymer compound, easily soluble in water, there is a certain corrosion, should be based on the raw water quality is different, before use should be done a small test, to obtain a better dose;

Two, in order to facilitate calculation, the small test solution configuration according to the weight volume ratio (W/V), generally with 2 ~ 5% is better. If mixing with 3% solution: say PAC3g, put it into a clean 200ml cylinder, add about 50ml water, after dissolving, add water and dilute to 100ml scale, shake well;

3. When preparing, mix and dissolve the solid: water =1∶5(W/V), and then add water to dilute the solution to 2 ~ 3% (W/V). Less than 1% solution is easy to hydrolysis, will reduce the use effect, too high concentration is easy to cause waste;

Iv. Dosing according to the optimal dosing dosage; The medicine added should be antiseptic;

5. When used, the liquid products shall be prepared into 5-10% aqueous solution, and the solid polyaluminum chloride products shall be prepared into 3-5% aqueous solution (calculated by weight of commodities);

Six, pay attention to observation and adjustment in operation, such as less alum and large residual turbidity in the sedimentation tank, the dosage is too little; If the sedimentation tank alum is large and upturned, the residual turbidity is high, the dosage is too large, should be adjusted appropriately, to achieve a better state.

Seven, less than 1% solution is easy to hydrolysis, will reduce the use of polyaluminum chloride effect, too high concentration is easy to cause waste, and it is not easy to control the dosage.

That's it for this installment, please feel free to contact us if you want to learn more about polyaluminum chloride.
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