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How to use polyacrylamide to remove organic matter in sewage

1, the use of physical methods, with activated carbon adsorption of organic molecules into the activated carbon hole. This method is a safe and convenient method for removing organic matter. However, it does not apply to organics whose diameter is larger than or similar to the aperture of activated carbon. It is still a resource, with the characteristics of poor economic performance.

2. The removal rate of organic matter by reverse osmosis is high, especially more than 90% organic matter with molecular weight greater than 200. This method and activated carbon adsorption method are mainly used to dissolve organic matter.

3, the use of strong oxidation method and sodium hypochlorite and other strong oxidants to decompose organic matter.

4, by strengthening coagulation, adding coagulant in water, can improve the removal rate of organic matter in water. However, the choice of coagulant will affect the removal rate of organic matter. Polyaluminum chloride is a kind of inorganic coagulant, which has a good effect of strengthening coagulation. In addition, the dosage of coagulant polyaluminum chloride is too small, the coagulation effect is not ideal, the colloid stability is too high, the pH value in water is also the main factor affecting the coagulation effect. This method is mainly used to remove suspended matter or colloidal organic matter.

5. Biochemistry is a widely used method to remove organic matter.
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