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How to explain the action mechanism and dissolution process of polyacrylamide as dispersant?

Polyacrylamide as a dispersant, often used in paper mills, and other related industries, so how does polyacrylamide work, how does it react?

1, the action mechanism of polyacrylamide:

The surfactant on the surface of polyacrylamide can make the solid dispersed particles in the suspension fully wet and evenly dispersed by the liquid phase, and make the separation, aggregation and sedimentation rate of the solid particles of the system reduced to a low, in order to maintain the suspension of large dynamic stability. Because the polyacrylamide molecular chain contains carboxyl group, has the effect of reducing the surface tension, help water to wet solid, which is especially favorable for the dispersion of fibers, fillers in water, when the polyacrylamide is added to the slurry, can make fibers, fillers surface form bimolecular structure, outer dispersant extreme and water has a strong affinity, The wetting degree of solid particles such as fibers and fillers is increased. Fiber, packing and other solid particles are far away from each other because of electrostatic repulsion, to achieve good dispersion effect.

2, polyacrylamide dissolution process and requirements:

Polyacrylamide is easily soluble in water, but when its dissolution concentration reaches more than 1 ‰, it will form a transparent gel in water and lose its fluidity. If a large amount of polyacrylamide is added instantaneously during the dissolution process, a solution system with a concentration greater than 1 ‰ O will form in one area of the water, making it difficult to continue the dissolution process. Therefore, it must be the first to add a certain amount of water, until after the stirring blade, start the agitator, so that the water solution cycle and then add polyacrylamide. It is required that the stirring blade should not have edges and edges, otherwise it will produce bad effects of hanging material and cutting polyacrylamide molecular chain, so that the dissolution concentration is not allowed, and weaken its dispersion. Polyacrylamide dissolution concentration is not easy to be too high, generally about 0.5-1 ‰.
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