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Which of the four forms of polyacrylamide is better for us?

Polyacrylamide is a water purifier widely used in water treatment industry. It has a variety of categories, each of which has a specific function. The classification of polyacrylamide varies according to different classification methods. If the ionic type can be divided into negative type, non-type, amphoteric type and cationic polyacrylamide, if according to the shape can be divided into colloid, dispersion, emulsion and dry powder four forms, then which of these four forms is more suitable for us?

Usually if often used, you can choose dry powder granular polyacrylamide, because of its high solid content. Polyacrylamide dry powder is generally stored in a dry and cool place for more than two years, but if formulated into a solution, storage time is limited. In general, when the solution concentration is 0.1%, the nonionic and anionic polyacrylamide solutions do not exceed one week, and the cationic polyacrylamide solutions do not exceed one day, the stability of the solution is dependent on the solution concentration. For example, the higher the concentration of the solution, the longer the storage time of 3%-5% solution, but 3%-5% solution cannot be used directly for sewage treatment. The solution needs to be diluted before use. When the pH value of the cationic polyacrylamide solution is less than 5.5, it is relatively stable. If it is greater than 6.0, it will be hydrolyzed and the shelf life of polyacrylamide is 6 months.

Therefore, the best choice of solid polyacrylamide, can be used with matching, no waste.

Of course, we must pay attention to the various conditions and taboos of polyacrylamide, polyacrylamide is more sensitive to iron ions, calcium ions and magnesium ions than anionic polymers, especially iron ions is the catalyst leading to all the chemical degradation of polyacrylamide, therefore, in the preparation, transfer and storage of polyacrylamide solution, must try to avoid iron ions into the equipment in contact with the solution, Made of plastic, stainless steel, fiberglass or carbon steel coated with resin.
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