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What's better for polyacrylamide dissolution?

What to use polyacrylamide to resolve, in fact, this problem is not difficult to find the answer, online search will have a lot of introduction, but online information is too rampant, customers have doubts about the authenticity. The data show that water is a good dissolving medium of polyacrylamide, ordinary tap water can dissolve polyacrylamide. Of course, if conditions permit, can also be dissolved in pure water.

As a longtime employee of the polyacrylamide manufacturer, it can be said that water is a better solvent for polyacrylamide and is also common in many production sites. The general preparation is to use clean tap water, can not dissolve in acid, alkali and other water quality.

Polyacrylamide is insoluble in most organic solvents such as methanol, ethanol, acetone, ether, aliphatic hydrocarbons and aromatics. There are small amounts of polar organic solutions such as acetic acid, acrylic acid, chloroacetic acid, ethylene glycol, glycerin, molten urea, and formamide. However, these organic solvents have limited solubility and often require heating, otherwise they are of little use. In addition, it can be dissolved in formamide, hydrazine, ethylene glycol, morpholine and other solvents.
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