
Henan Zhengyuan Chemical Co. LTD
Current position : 河南正遠(yuǎn)化工有限公司 > en > Product center > Scale inhibitor > 正文

Circulating water slow release scale inhibitor


Product name: 
    Corrosion inhibitor and scale inhibitor

Product form : 
    25 kg in barrels

Product performance and application :
     Boiler special corrosion and scale inhibitor is composed of organic tengic acid and polymer composite, has high corrosion and scale inhibition performance, its temperature resistance is particularly good can be effectively applied to low-pressure boiler furnace water treatment, boiler including water heating, steam, locomotive boilers, can also be used for desalination, distillation and car water tank system corrosion and scale inhibition.
     Add the corrosion and scale inhibitor required every day to the plastic dosing bucket (or box), for the convenience of the use of soft water can be diluted with a metering pump or through the regulating valve door agent at the entrance of the circulating pump (that is, the outlet of the sump). Dosing concentrations are generally 20-50mg/L(to supplement the water meter).
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