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What is the effect of polyacrylamide type on ph value?

According to the previous situation, polyacrylamide in the process of use will be affected by many factors, PH is a very important factor affecting the effect of polyacrylamide reaction, so in the case of different PH value how to choose polyacrylamide:

PH value has great influence on the surface charge potential of colloidal particles and the properties and functions of flocculants. PAM can be thickened under both neutral and acidic conditions. When the PH value is above 10°C, PAM is easy to hydrolyze and has a semi-network structure, the thickening will be more obvious. Polyacrylamide manufacturers so in the choice of polyacrylamide must pay attention to the PH value of the product, so as to make polyacrylamide in sewage or sludge treatment to play a good effect.

When the PH value is above 10 PAM is easy to hydrolysis, cationic polyacrylamide is easy to precipitate at pH<7, and anionic polyacrylamide is easy to precipitate at ph>7.

Polyacrylamide is partially hydrolyzed under basic conditions (pH > 10) to generate anionic polymer (HPAM), which gives full play to the adsorption bridging effect. HPAM is usually used as coagulant to cooperate with aluminum salt or iron salt, and the effect is remarkable.
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