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How to adjust the standard of polyacrylamide flocculant after flood?

How to adjust the dosage of polyacrylamide and polyaluminum chloride after flood to ensure the safety of water quality standards? How to save for a rainy day? How to ensure its safe operation? For this, we interviewed the experienced engineer in the field of drainage. Polyacrylamide factory sewage treatment plant should be in strict accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development to do, notice clear cut grille and other requirements are sewage treatment plant in the rainstorm weather daily must do enough "homework".

Rainstorm affects sewage treatment facilities, mainly rain sewage overflow will affect the effluent quality of sewage treatment plant, because the treatment scale of sewage treatment plant is limited, excessive rainwater and sewage may not be timely treated, discharge standards. Japan's approach in this regard is that during a rainstorm, if too much sewage enters the water and it needs to be discharged quickly, the sewage is simply disinfected and the overflow water is discharged. The price of polyacrylamide, our sewage treatment plant is also basically the simple treatment of excessive into the sewage at present.

Since the industrial revolution 200 years ago, the treatment of urban domestic sewage has been paid more and more attention. Urban sewage treatment rate has become an important symbol of civilization in a region. In the past 200 years, the treatment of municipal sewage has been developed from the original natural treatment and simple primary treatment to the use of various advanced technologies, in-depth treatment of sewage, and reuse. The treatment process of polyacrylamide manufacturers has also been developed from the traditional activated sludge method and oxidation ditch process to the use of water treatment agents polyaluminum chloride, polyaluminum ferric chloride, basic aluminum chloride, polyacrylamide, activated carbon and other water treatment agents, in order to meet different effluent requirements.

Under the rainstorm, the urban sewage will be greatly changed. Firstly, the increased incoming water will have an impact on the downstream sewage treatment plant. If the sewage treatment plant does not pump up in time or the incoming water exceeding the treatment capacity does not overflow in time, the upstream pipe network will be overburdened. After the flood a lot of water mixed together, then the sewage treatment will increase the difficulty, first increase the amount of medicine for treatment, if the treatment effect is not good, it is necessary to adjust the sewage treatment agent, re-select the type, or use a higher model of polyacrylamide. I plant the production of polyacrylamide and PAC polyaluminum chloride in the treatment of urban sewage water by the majority of users highly appraised and fully affirmed.
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