
Henan Zhengyuan Chemical Co. LTD
Current position :河南正遠(yuǎn)化工有限公司 > en > Service > 正文
Service process
      Our company has a complete technical support team, to provide users with a full range of diversified technical support and pre-sale, sale, after-sales service, our company always follow the "professional, innovation, service" business philosophy, to meet the needs of customers on every detail, including product application design, consultation, application as one of the integrated solutions. We not only provide you with excellent products and solid technical services, more important is to provide system solutions based on effective services.
  • major
  • innovation
  • sincerity
  • service
  • Pre-sale service

    sales —— provideSewage treatment schemePre-sale service

    technology —— Provide "industry-specific Solution Design Document"

  • In-sale service

    service —— Provide customers with all kinds of problems encountered in the process of product use, and solve them properly

  • After-sales service

    Product delivery is only the beginning of cooperation

    For the sale of products to do an effective service, is the purpose of our sustainable service.

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